BennuBio Velocyt – A Large Particle Imaging Cytometer

The BennuBio Velocyt is the world’s first ever rapid, large particle analysis system and is poised to transform how fundamental life science research is conducted. In this webinar, hosted with the MSU Flow Cytometry Core, BennuBio introduces the capabilities of the Velocyt and it potential applications for MSU researchers.

A full recording of the webinar can be found here: Link

  • Size: up to 1.5mm in diameter
  • Speed: >10mL/min
  • Measurements: size, morphology, fluorescence
  • Multicellular: daphnia, c.elegans, zebrafish larvae
  • Large cell clusters: spheroids, organoids, duct cells
  • Small Plant Models: seeds, pollen, phytoplankton

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