
General Core Policies

MSU Flow Cytometry Core Facility (MFCCF) Users must follow the MFCCF rules, regulations, and instructions, including those written below and any given by MFCCF Staff. Failure to adhere to these practices will result in the suspension or termination of facility access privileges.

  • Users will operate instruments and accessories in keeping with safe laboratory practices, including the appropriate disposal of samples and other material.
  • Users will provide their own supplies, including, but not limited to: tubes, caps, pipette tips, and filters.
  • Users will not install, remove, or modify software on MFCCF computers.
  • Users will not connect external data storage devices (e.g., USB sticks, portable hard drives, CDs, DVDs) to MFCCF computers.
  • Users will not use Staff computers or access any items on or in Staff office desks.
  • Users will not perform physical modifications to any instrument system without written authorization from the Staff.
  • User samples will be prepared in a manner that does not damage an instrument’s performance (e.g., samples containing caustic solutions, unreacted fixatives, solvents).
  • Users will provide accurate documentation in a Biosafety Questionnaire and instrument calendar forms regarding the nature of samples being acquired or sorted.
  • Users will not acquire unfixed BSL-2 or BSL-2+ samples on benchtop analyzers. BSL-2 samples must be appropriately fixed prior to running samples on Core benchtop analyzers. Any exceptions must be approved by MSU EH&S and the Core. Unfixed samples may be run on the BD Influx or BD FACSAria IIu (enclosed in biosafety cabinets), following Core and EH&S review.
  • In the event of instrument, computer, or other accessory failure, Users should inform the Staff as soon as possible.
  • Abuse of instruments through negligence or failure to follow appropriate procedures will incur charges to compensate for instrument use, repair or replacement costs (those not covered by service contracts).
  • Users that fail to adhere to Core policies or the procedures outlined in instrument-specific guides and staff-led training will have their unassisted access to the Core revoked until they can be retrained by MFCCF Staff.

Training Policies
  • New Users must participate in the Principles of Flow Cytometry class (in person or virtual), Biosafety Questionnaire, and Project Review (in person or virtual meeting) prior to instrument-specific training. More information is available on our website under New Users. https://drugdiscovery.msu.edu/facilities/flow-cytometry-core/new-users/
  • Typically, 3 training sessions are required prior to independent use. The Core may modify the number of required training sessions based upon instrumentation and/or user proficiency. Super User Training is required for individuals to independently use a flow cytometer outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm). Contact the MFCCF at FACS@msu.edu to request training.
  • Any additional training or retraining required due to failure to follow policies or procedures outlined in instrument-specific guides or staff-led training will be charged at the University-approved instrument-specific training rate or consultation rate.

Scheduling and Cancellation Policies

All scheduling and approval of use time will be performed using the iLabs Solutions platform.

  • A charge for the full scheduled usage time on MFCCF instruments will be incurred if reservations are cancelled less than 24 hours in advance of scheduled instrument use. No charges will be applied for cancelled time, regardless of when it was cancelled, if another user schedules that time.
  • If you are more than 30 minutes late for use of cell sorting services and have not provided advanced notification, the core reserves the right to cancel your sort and bill you for the reserved time.
  • For unassisted use of instrumentation, shifting your time on the day of use is acceptable at no charge, as long as you will not overlap with another user’s scheduled time. Please update your scheduled time on the iLab Solutions platform prior to using instrumentation.
  • For assisted use of instrumentation, including cell sorting, late arrival will result in billing according to the scheduled time, plus any additional time incurred.
  • In the event the instrument you are scheduled to use is non-operational, the core will notify you as soon as possible.
  • If your actual run time exceeds your scheduled time and overlaps with another user’s time, the subsequent user has the right to begin their run at the scheduled time.
  • Benchtop analyzers (Attune CytPix, Aurora, LSR II, Accuri, ZetaView) use can be scheduled between normal business hours on Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm. After-hours and weekend use can also be scheduled, pending Super User training completion.
  • The BD Influx and BD FACSAria IIu cell sorters and Luminex 200 use can be scheduled between normal business hours on Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.
  • Scheduling for assisted cell sorting on the BD Influx or BD FACSAria IIu cell sorters or use of the Luminex 200 must be booked at least 72 hours in advance.

Billing Policies

It is the user’s responsibility to reserve instrument time on iLabs and provide relevant information in the questionnaire, including account number(s) to be charged prior to using Core instrumentation.

  • Usage time is automatically recorded when a user logs On & Off of the instrumentation software and is billed at 15-minute intervals. Failure to log out of the flow cytometry software at the end of a session will continue to increase a user’s billable time.
  • At the end of the month, the amount of time reserved on iLab Solutions and the amount of time logged for each reservation will be reviewed. The investigator will be billed for whichever amount of time is greater for each use. The total amount of time used each month is then listed by user and sent to the department for billing at the beginning of the next month.
  • Instrument usage that requires additional setup (e.g., small particle, BSL-2+) will be billed an additional 1.5 hour of instrument time at the university approved hourly rate.
  • A 15-minute grace period will be allowed for users who arrive late for their scheduled use time during normal business hours (i.e., Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm). Late arrivals may be billed starting after this grace period through scheduled use time or logged use time, whichever is greater (see scheduling policy regarding shifting of scheduled use time). Super users performing unassisted acquisition during non-standard business hours (i.e., Monday – Friday: 5:00pm – 8:00am and weekends/holidays) may shift their time without penalty and will be billed only for scheduled time or total use time, whichever is greater, granted it does not impact other users that may also be scheduled after-hours.
  • Super users are responsible for appropriate cleaning and turning off instrumentation in the following situations: 1) Super user is last or only scheduled user of the day; 2) Super user has not received confirmation from subsequent scheduled user or contacted Core staff directly.
  • If instrumentation is left on inappropriately after use, users will be billed for the time the instrument remained in active state at the hourly approved billing rate. First time offenses will be billed for 50% of the time instrument was left on until discovery. Any further offenses will be billed for 100% of the time instrumentation was left on until discovery.
  • Instrument usage that occurs without a reservation on iLabs Solutions will be billed based on the amount of time logged by the instrument software plus an additional hour of instrument time at the university approved hourly rate.

Data Management Policies

Please note that raw data preservation is ultimately the responsibility of the user and is not the responsibility of the Core Facility.

  • External portable data storage devices are not allowed in the Core Facility. For networked instruments, please transfer your data to an MSU approved cloud storage system (e.g., Google Drive, OneDrive, MSU Spartan Drive).
  • The data generated on any instrument will remain on the acquisition computer for a minimum of 1 month. Data older than 1 month may be deleted from the local hard drive.
  • Generally, data generated on all Core Facility instruments are backed up by the Core staff. Data files transferred to the Core’s server will be maintained for a minimum of 1 year after the date of creation. Data older than 1 year may be deleted.

Data Reporting/Publication Policies
  • Users and Faculty Sponsors will reference the MSU Flow Cytometry Core Facility in publications when Core Facility instrumentation has been used to generate data submitted for publication, as referencing the Core will further enable the Core Facility to receive future financial support.
  • Users and Faculty Sponsors will reference relevant equipment grants supporting MSU Flow Cytometry Core Facility equipment in publications.
  • Users and Faculty Sponsors will provide acknowledgements of appropriate Core Personnel when scientific advice, material support, technical writing assistance, and/or consultation services have been provided. Proper acknowledgment will aid in career advancement of Core Staff.
  • Users and Faculty Sponsors will provide authorship to Core Personnel under circumstances where Core Personnel participate in a project at a level that is considered to significantly enhance a publication. Examples of situations where authorship is warranted may include, but are not limited to, aiding in the concept/design of a project, involvement in non-routine data acquisition/analysis/interpretation, or when significant technical writing expertise is petitioned for submissions or revisions.

In order to access any of the equipment housed in the MSU Flow Cytometry Core Facility, each User must agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Core as listed on the User’s Guide.