New Users

All individuals interested in operating benchtop analyzers independently or utilizing cell sorting services within the Core, must minimally complete the ‘New User Training Checklist‘ and associated training, available on our Core Google Classroom platform. If you are interested in using Core services or receiving updates from the Core Facility, please click on the link below or contact us at in order to be added to the MSU Flow Cytometry Core Google Classroom or Core email listserv.

New User Training Checklist (Required for ALL Core Users)
  1. Principles of Flow Cytometry: (~1 hour)
    The Principles of Flow Cytometry module contains two parts; a virtual presentation and quiz. The presentation covers general knowledge related to the Core facility, instrumentation, experimental design, and data analysis. The accompanying quiz is designed to assess your understanding of the core concepts presented during the Principles of Flow Cytometry presentation. There is no passing or failing grade, instead core staff will address any concepts that require additional explanation during your Project Review Meeting.
  2. Project Review Meeting: (~1 hour – Zoom)
    PI/Lab Members are encouraged to join the Project Review Meeting. The objective is to determine which instrument will best suit the goals of the project and to provide guidance on proper reagents and controls. When you are ready to schedule your project review meeting send an email to with a few suggested times. While you can schedule your project review meeting at any time, they are generally more productive if you first complete the Principles of Flow Cytometry module.

    Project Review Meeting Outline:
    a. Introductions
    b. Overview of your project goals and specific aims
    c. Selecting an instrument
    d. Determine a gating strategy
    e. Selecting appropriate controls
    f. Antigen/fluorochrome selection
    g. Optimizing your assay (reagent titration and sample preparation)
  3. Site-specific Training: (~5 minutes) An overview of the current policies in the MSU Flow Cytometry Core
  4. Biosafety Questionnaire/User’s Guide: (~20 minutes)This questionnaire serves to gather important information that will help us render effective Core facility services. Part I provides information about the Principal Investigator, each of the independently funded research projects, and the researchers associated with each project. Part II will identify the samples to be analyzed.
  5. iLab On-boarding: (~10 minutes)The MSU Flow Cytometry Core uses iLab for scheduling equipment and billing. This module covers the onboarding process in detail (account creation, adding students to your lab, and reserving equipment). Once the Biosafety Questionnaire has been completed and reviewed you will be given an iLab account.

Benchtop Analyzer Training Track

This Training Track is relevant for receiving training on the Attune CytPix, Cytek Aurora, BD Accuri C6, and BD LSR II. If your experiments are time sensitive and need to be analyzed before you can be trained to use the instruments independently, email to arrange time for MFCC Staff to run your samples.

  1. Complete all items on New User Training Checklist.
  2. During the Project Review Meeting a Core staff member will assign asynchronous instrument-specific training modules/quizzes in the Google Classroom.
  3. Complete appropriate instrument-specific training modules in Google Classroom. Instrument Overview: (~1-2 hours)
    Video presentations on how to use the instrument and run samples. These videos should be watched 24 – 72 hours before your 1st training session. 
    Cost: No Charge
  4. Request Core Facility Access from Core staff by contacting us at
  5. Schedule Hands-on instrument training time in iLab. A total of 3 hands-on training sessions are required:
    a. Hands-on Training Session #1 (Fluorescent Beads): (~1-2 hours)
    Using fluorescent beads (provided by the MFCC) users get hands-on experience setting up an experiment, running samples, and performing compensation. Users do not need to bring anything to this training session.  Cost: Instrument-specific rate – see Billing Rates

    b. Hands-on Training Session #2 (Controls): (~1-2 hours)
    Users will set up an experimental template and use their own controls to define the instrument specific settings for their project. Users should bring appropriate control samples for their project as well as few practice samples to ensure the gating is set up correctly. When making the reservation for this training session, users should send an email to the Core Staff containing: 1) a list of the samples you plan to bring (including the fluorophores present in each sample); 2) a detailed protocol describing your sample preparation.
    Cost: Instrument-specific rate – see Billing Rates

    c. Hands-on Training Session #3 (Experiment): (1-2 hours)
    Using their own samples, users will run a full experiment and collect data for subsequent analysis. During this training session Core Staff will act as a “visiting scholar” who will be shadowing the user to learn about flow cytometry. The user will instruct the “visiting scholar” on the same topics they have learned about in all of the previous training sessions (e.g., instrument overview, sample preparation, setting up an experimental template, and running samples).
    Cost: Instrument-specific rate – see Billing Rates
  6. Following completion of 3 hands-on training sessions, users will complete their benchtop analyzer training track with a Data Analysis Software Training. Training Session (Data Analysis): (~1-2 hours)
    Users will learn how to analyze their own data using a 3rd party analysis software (e.g., FlowJo, FCS Express) of their choice. This training session is conducted over Zoom once the user has generated their own experimental data. 
    Cost: No Charge

Cell Sorting Services Training Track

This Training Track is relevant for utilizing cell sorting services on the SONY MA900, BD FACSAria IIu, or BD Influx.

  1. Complete all items on New User Training Checklist.
  2. Review our Sorting Best Practices, which outlines important information regarding appropriate sample buffer, collection buffers, filtering samples, sample concentrations, etc.
  3. Complete a MSU Flow Cytometry Core Cell Sorting Addendum All materials to be sorted must be approved in your lab’s Safety Protocol within HURON Click. An addendum for projects involving sorting on a flow cytometer must be completed and approved by EH&S and/or the IBC. This addendum is required due to the increased risk of aerosolization when sorting using an electrostatic-based cell sorter.  Our policies are set based upon NIH Sorter Biosafety Guidelines and ISAC (International Society for Advancement of Cytometry) Sorter Biosafety Standards. The Cell Sorting Addendum should be uploaded as an amendment to your lab’s existing HURON Click Safety Protocol. If you are a student, postdoc, or staff member, please let your PI know that this submission and approval in the HURON Click system is required prior to any approval of cell sorting by the Core.
  4. Request Core Facility Access from Core staff by contacting us at
  5. Schedule cell sorting with a Core staff member.

Luminex 200 Training Track
  1. Complete all items on New User Training Checklist.
  2. During the Project Review Meeting a Core staff member will assign asynchronous instrument-specific training modules/quizzes in the Google Classroom.
  3. Complete appropriate instrument-specific training module in Google Classroom. Instrument Overview: (~30 minutes)
    Video presentations on how to use the instrument and run samples. These videos should be watched 24 – 72 hours before your 1st training session. 
    Cost: No Charge
  4. Request Core Facility Access from Core staff by contacting us at
  5. Schedule instrument run-time (Book 1 hour in iLab) with Core staff to run your assay.

ZetaView Training Track
  1. Complete all items on New User Training Checklist.
  2. During the Project Review Meeting a Core staff member will assign asynchronous instrument-specific training modules/quizzes in the Google Classroom.
  3. Review instrument-specific User Guide in Google Classroom.
  4. Request Core Facility Access from Core staff by contacting us at
  5. Schedule Hands-on instrument training time in iLab. A total of 1 hands-on training session is required. Training Session: (~1 hour)
    Users will set up an experimental template and use their own controls to define the instrument specific settings for their project. Users should bring appropriate control samples for their project (including a buffer only control to assess background). When making the reservation for this training session, users should send an email to the Core Staff containing: 1) a list of the samples you plan to bring (including any fluorophores present samples); 2) a detailed protocol describing your sample preparation.
    Cost: Instrument-specific rate – see Billing Rates


External portable data storage devices are not allowed in the Core Facility. For networked instruments, please transfer your data to a MSU approved cloud storage system (e.g., OneDrive or Google Drive).


Please reference instrumentation used within the Core Facility in your publications. Referencing the Core Facility will help support internal and external funding of the Core Facility. Authorship for projects where the Core Facility staff has provided a substantial amount of scientific support, data analysis, or data interpretation is welcomed.

Suggested verbiage for publications: The data presented herein were obtained using instrumentation in the MSU Flow Cytometry Core Facility. The facility is funded in part through the financial support of Michigan State University’s Office of Research & Innovation and Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Natural Sciences, and Engineering.”

The Attune CytPix is funded through the USDA Equipment Grants Program, which must be referenced in publications.

Suggested verbiage for publications: “The Attune CytPix is supported by the Equipment Grants Program, award #2022-70410-38419, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture.”