
Benchtop Analyzers

ThermoFisher Attune Cytpix

Analyzer – BPS 4120
Unassisted use $39/hr
Attune CytPix and CytKick Max: This equipment is supported by the Equipment Grants Program, award #2022-70410-38419, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

For more details on the optical configuration of this instrument and the available filter sets, see the following link: Attune CytPix

Suggested verbiage for Acknowledgements:
The Attune CytPix, located in the MSU Flow Cytometry Core Facility, is supported by the Equipment Grants Program, award #2022-70410-38419, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

The Attune CytPix is a high-throughput imaging cytometer (22 minutes to run a full 96-well plate) equipped with acoustic focusing, a high-speed brightfield camera, and CytKick Max autosampler. Key features include:

  • Supports: 96-well, 384-well, microfuges tubes, and custom plate types
  • Syringe based fluidics: accurate volumetric measurements, absolute counts, returns unused sample

The Attune Cytpix contains 4 lasers and can detect up to 14 fluorescent parameters and 2 light scatter parameters using the following emission filters:

  • 405nm (Violet):
    • VL1 (450/50) – AF405, Pacific Blue, BV421
    • VL2 (525/50) – BV510, CFP, eFluor 506
    • VL3 (610/20) – BV605, Zombie Yellow 
    • VL4 (660/20) – BV650, SuperBright 645
    • VL5 (710/50) – BV711, SuperBright 702
    • VL6 (780/60) – BV786
  • 488nm (Blue):
    • BL1 (530/30) – GFP, AF488, FITC
    • BL2 (695/40) – PerCp, PE-AF700
  • 561nm (Yellow-Green):
    • YL1 (585/16) – PE, PI, AF568
    • YL2 (620/15) – mCherry, AF594 
    • YL3 (780/60) – PE-Cy7, Qdot800
  • 637nm (Red):
    • RL1 (670/14) – APC, AF647, Helix NP NIR
    • RL2 (720/30) – AF700, Qdot 700
    • RL3 (780/60) – Fixable NIR, APC-Cy7

Cytek Aurora

Analyzer – IQ 2521
Unassisted use $48/hr

For more details on this instrument, see the following link: Cytek Aurora 

The Cytek Aurora is a spectral flow cytometer with state-of-the-art optics and low-noise electronics which provide excellent sensitivity and resolution. The instrument is also equipped with a 96-well plate auto-sampler for high-throughput sample acquisition.

The Cytek Aurora is equipped with the following 5 lasers and has the capability of detecting up to 64 fluorescence channels with additional light scatter detectors off of the violet (SSC) and blue lasers (FSC and SSC).

  • 355nm (UV)
  • 405nm (Violet)
  • 488nm (Blue)
  • 561nm (Yellow-Green)
  • 640nm (Red)

BD Accuri C6

Analyzer – IQ 2521
Unassisted use $28/hr

For more details on this instrument, see the following link: BD Accuri C6

The BD Accuri C6 is a compact flow cytometer that uses a low-pressure pumping system to drive the fluidics allowing for the derivation of sample volume and calculation of absolute counts or sample concentration per microliter.

The BD Accuri C6 contains the following co-linear lasers and emission filters which can detect up to 4 fluorescent parameters and 2 light scatter parameters:

  • 488nm (Blue):
    • FL1 [530/30] – FITC, AF488, GFP, CFSE, YFP
    • FL2 [585/40] – PE, PI
    • FL3 [>670]  – PerCP, PE-Cy7, RFP, mCherry
  • 640nm (Red):
    • FL4 [675/25] – APC, AF647 


Analyzer – BPS 5115
Unassisted use $32/hr

For more details on the optical configuration of this instrument and the available filter sets, see the following link: BD LSRII

To help plan your panel, use the following links to check your fluorophores using the current optical configuration of the LSRII
Spectra Viewer: 405nm, 488nm, 633nm

The BD LSRII is a multi-laser flow cytometer that can detect up to 9 fluorescent parameters and 2 light scatter parameters. The default configuration of the BD LSRII includes the following lasers and emission filters:

  • 405nm (Violet):
    • FL1 [450/50] – Pacific Blue, AF405, BV421
    • FL2 [530/30] – AmCyan, SYTOX Blue, BV480
  • 488nm (Blue):
    • FL3 [530/30] – AF488, FITC, GFP, YFP
    • FL4 [576/26] – RPE, AF514, PI, PE, RFP 
    • FL5 [695/40] – PerCP-Cy5.5, PE-Cy5.5
    • FL6 [780/60] – PE-Cy7
  • 633nm (Red):
    • FL7 [660/20] – APC, AF647
    • FL8 [710/50] – AF660, AF700, Cy5.5
    • FL9 [780/60] – APC-Cy7

Cell Sorters


Sorter – BPS 5115
Assisted/Unassisted Sorting $128/hr

For more details on the optical configuration of this instrument and the available filter sets, see the following link:
Optical Configuration
Spectral Viewer: 488nm|561nm 405nm | 638nm
Sorting Best Practices

The SONY MA900 is a unique instrument that provides unparalleled workflow automation, a modular fluidics system, and advanced biosafety features, making it the perfect instrument for independent use in Core facilities. The instrument is capable of high-speed sorting, up to four populations simultaneously into tubes (12x75mm or microfuge tubes) or a plate deposition system (6-well through 384-well plates). The MA900 is fitted with 70, 100, and 130 μm nozzles to allow sorting for a wide variety of cell types. Contained with a Baker Biosafety Cabinet, the MA900 can accommodate up to BSL-2 samples.

The MA900 contains 4 lasers in co-linear pairs (488nm & 561nm, and, 405nm and 634nm) and can detect up to 12 fluorescent parameters and 2 light scatter parameters using the following emission filters:

  • 488nm | 561nm (Blue|YellowGreen):
    • FL1 (525/50) – GFP, AF488, FITC
    • FL2 (585/30) – PE, tdTomato
    • FL3 (617/30) – mCherry, PI
    • FL4 (695/50) – mPlum, 7-AAD, PE-Cy5
    • FL5 (785/60) – PE-Cy7
  • 405nm | 638nm (Violet|Red):
    • FL6 (450/50) – DAPI, AF405, BV421
    • FL7 (525/50) – AmCyan, BV510
    • FL8 (585/30) – BV570
    • FL9 (617/30) – BV605
    • FL10 (665/30) – BV650, APC, AF647
    • FL11 (720/60) – BV711, AF700
    • FL12 (785/60) – BV785, APC-Cy7


Sorter – IQ 2522
Assisted Sorting $149/hr

For more details on the optical configuration of this instrument and the available filter sets, see the following link: BD FACSAria Ilu

Sorting Best Practices

The BD FACSAria IIu is the original model FACSAria-I cell sorter that has been upgraded with a FACSAria II flow cell and fluidics. The instrument is capable of high-speed sorting (50×106 cells/hour depending on cell type) up to four populations simultaneously into Eppendorf tubes, 5 mL, or 15 mL conical tubes, and multi-well plates (up to 96-well). The FACSAria is fitted with 70, 85, and 100 μm nozzles to allow sorting for a wide variety of cell types. Contained with a Baker BioProtect IV Biosafety Cabinet, the BD Influx can accommodate BSL-2 samples.

The FACSAria contains 3 lasers and can detect up to 13 fluorescent parameters and 2 light scatter parameters using the following emission filters:

  • 405nm (Violet):
    • FL1 (450/50) – Pacific Blue, AF405, BV421
    • FL2 (525/50) – AmCyan, SYTOX Blue, BV480
    • FL3 (605/40) – BV605, zYellow
    • FL4 (660/20) – BV650
  • 488nm (Blue):
    • FL5 (525/50) – GFP, AF488, FITC
    • FL6 (575/25) – Cy3, PE, 
    • FL7 (610/20) – PI, PE-594
    • FL8 (660/20) – PE-Cy5, PE-AF647
    • FL9 (710/50) – PE-Cy5.5, PE-AF700
    • FL10 (780/60) – PE-Cy7, PE-AF750
  • 633nm (Red):
    • FL11 (670/30) – Cy5, APC, AF647
    • FL12 (730/45) – AF700, APC-Cy5.5
    • FL13 (780/60) – APC-Cy7, AF750, APC-H7

BD Influx

Sorter – BPS 5115
Assisted Sorting $194/hr

For more details on the optical configuration of this instrument and the available filter sets, see the following link:
Optical Configuration
Sorting Best Practices

The BD Influx is a highly modifiable flow cytometer capable of performing both acquisition/analysis of samples, in addition to its main cell sorting function. The instrument is capable of high-speed sorting through 50×106 cells per hour and up to six populations simultaneously. An integrated Automated Cell Deposition Unit, ACDU, allow cells to be sorted into any type of collection vessel including slides, tubes, or microtiter plates (up to 384-well layouts for single-cell applications), or even custom devices. The Influx is also equipped with a small particle detector, allowing particles as small as 200nm (exosomes, EVs) to be analyzed using forward scatter. The Influx is fitted with 70, 86, 100, 140, and 200 μm nozzles to allow sorting for a wide variety of cell types. Contained with a Baker BioProtect IV Biosafety Cabinet, the BD Influx can accommodate BSL-2 samples.

The BD Influx contains 5 lasers and can detect up to 14 fluorescent parameters and 2 light scatter parameters using the following emission filters:

  • 355nm (UV):
    • FL1 (460/50) – AF350, NADH, BFP, DAPI
    • FL2 (670/30) – Qdot 655, BUV661, Hoechst (33342)
  • 405nm (Violet):
    • FL3 (460/50) – AF405, Pacific Blue
    • FL4 (550/50) – BV510, AF430, zYellow
  • 488nm (Blue):
    • FL5 (530/40) – GFP, AF488, FITC
    • FL6 (610/20) – RPE-AF610
    • FL7 (692/40) – PE-Cy5.5, PerCP-Cy5.5
  • 552nm (Yellow-Green):
    • FL8 (585/29) – tdTomato, Cy3, AF555
    • FL9 (610/20) – mCherry, AF568, Dy594, PI
    • FL10 (670/30) – PE-AF647, PE-Cy5
    • FL11 (>750) – PE-AF750, PE-Cy7
  • 642nm (Red):
    • FL12 (670/30) – AF647, Cy5, APC
    • FL13 (720/40) – AF700, Cy5.5
    • FL14 (>750) – AF750. Cy7


Luminex 200

Multiplex – IQ 2521
Assisted Operation $181/use

The Luminex 200 is a diagnostic instrument that enables bead-based multiplex analysis of up to 100 analytes simultaneously in a single low-volume (≥ 2 µL) sample. This system utilizes fluorescently labeled microbeads that are conjugated with a specific reagent (eg, antibody, antigen, enzyme substrate, etc.) enable capture and detection of analytes of interest. The Luminex 200 is equipped with 2 lasers: a 635nm classification laser for excitation of fluorescently-labeled microbeads and a 532nm reporter laser for excitation of the analyte signal. The Luminex 200 has a dynamic range typically ≥ 3.5 logs.

Commercially available and custom multiplex kits can be analyzed on the Luminex 200 to quantify protein expression (ie, cytokines, growth factors, phosphoproteins, etc.) in a variety of species (ie, human, mouse, rat, dog, etc.) and samples types (ie, cell culture media, plasma, serum, BALF, etc.). In addition to immunoassays, the platform can be used for enzyme assays, genotyping, gene expression analysis, or assessment of protein-protein interactions.

A handheld magnetic plate washer, microtiter plate shaker, bath sonicator, and vortexer are available in the core to enable multiplex assay performance.


ZetaView fNTA

Particle Analyzer – Outside IQ 2522
Unassisted Use $34/hr

For more details on this instrument, see the following link: ZetaView

To help plan your fluorescent assays, use the following links to check the detectability of your fluorophore using the current instrument configuration: 520nm

The ZetaView nanoparticle tracking analyzer (NTA) is a next generation analyzer capable of measuring particle size, concentration, and fluorescence. This instrument is perfect for biological nanoparticles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs), exosomes, viruses, or virus-like particles, were particle are individually measurable in a physiological buffer. With the new ZetaView fNTA system, it is also possible conduct fluorescence studies with pre-selectable lasers and fluorescent filters. Additional benefits include: 

Scanning NTA: Automated measurements at 11 positions through the sample cell, providing a thorough interrogation of samples and increased accuracy, without need for additional accessories.

Auto-Alignment & Auto-Focus: The optical setup is automatically optimized by the system’s software,
saving the user time preparing the instrument for use and, importantly, removing subjective user input bias.

High Throughput: Capable of analyzing of over 2,000 particles/minute

Fluorescent Detection: Equipped with a 520nm laser and 550LP filter, the ZetaView allows for the interrogation of fluorescent subpopulations within the sample. A sensitive CMOS camera, selective filters, and low bleaching performance yield high fluorescence sensitivity.

10x Chromium Controller

Single Cell Genomics & Proteomics -IQ 2521
Unassisted Use $0/hr

For more details on this instrument, see the following link: 10x Chromium Controller

The 10x Chromium Controller uses advanced microfluidics to perform single cell partitioning and barcoding in a matter of minutes. Powered by Next GEM technology, the Chromium Controller enables integrated analysis of single cells at massive scale.

The Chromium Controller can capture molecular readouts of cell activity in multiple dimensions, including gene expression, cell surface proteins, immune clonotype, antigen specificity, and chromatin accessibility.