IQ Building Specific Policies

1. Fill out IQ-specific Health Screening Form before each time you enter the building. 2. Upon entry to the building, you must follow the “gowning” procedure a. Place phone in a ziploc bag b. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds in 1st floor bathroom c. Put on a paper mask provided by IQ d. Put on safety glasses (if you do not already have glasses on) e. Proceed to the Flow Cytometry Core Facility 3. Masks and glasses (optical or safety) must be worn at all times in common areas of the building (as well as in Flow Cytometry Core). 4. Maintain social distancing minimum of 6 feet at all times in the building. 5. All entry and exit to the IQ Core should be made through the 2nd Floor North Lab door next to the elevator. 6. Return glasses (if applicable), dispose of masks in appropriate receptacle, and wash hands prior to exit from the building